
Apache Cassandra is massively scalable Open-Source NoSQL database, initially created by Facebook for their messaging system and it is opensource and contributed to Apache Software Foundation. Cassandra's native way of matrics collection is via JMX, but we prefered to use a great project, named Jolokia to collect metrics from Cassandra. As the matter of fact we use Jolokia very actively and we are very thankful them for creating such a great tool. Cassandra Jolokia integration is very easy and works perfectly, to grab JMX metrics via user friendly HTTP/Json interface. Agent have two modules for Cassandra: and first one is for collecting metrics from Cassandra 2.0xx and Cassandra 2.1xx, the second is for Cassandra 2.2 and upper.

Enablling Cassandra checks has two parts:

  • Configure Caassandra to expose metrics via Jolokia
  • Enable one of cassandra checks and confiugre Agent with Jolokia access parameters.


cd ${OE_AGENT_HOME}/checks_enabled
ln -s ../checks_available/ ./


cd ${OE_AGENT_HOME}/checks_enabled
ln -s ../checks_available/ ./


Cassandra with Jolokia

First download Jolokia jolokia-jvm-VESION-agent.jar from and copy it to All nodes of Cassandra cluster.

cd /usr/share/java/
wget -O jolokia-agent.jar

Now we need to edit and add javaagent JVM option:

JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jolokia-agent.jar=config=/etc/cassandra/jolokia/"

Now we need to configure Jolokia: For packaged Cassandra installations copy-paste of code below will do the trick. If you have tarball Cassandra installation, just replace /etc/cassandra with actual location of your config files .

mkdir /etc/cassandra/jolokia
cat > /etc/cassandra/jolokia/jolokia.policy <<-EOF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



cat > /etc/cassandra/jolokia/ <<-EOF

Now you need to Cassandra daemon.


Cassandra check is enabled as any other check, so copy or symlinc apropriate cassandra check from checks_available to checks_enabled. Edit conf/bigdata.ini, it already contains reasonable defaults to work out of the box, but if your Cassandra and Jolokia are configured in different way, than described below, just replace default parameters with desired ones.



${OE_AGENT_HOME}/ restart


For older versions of Cassandra

Name Description Type Unit
cassa_{cms or g1_old}_collection_count CMS or G1 old generations GC count counter None
cassa_{cms or g1_old}_collection_time CMS or G1 old generations GC time rate Milliseconds
cassa_{cms or g1_old}_lastgcinfo CMS or G1 old generations last GC info gauge Milliseconds
cassa_daemonthreadcount Running Java daemon threads gauge None
cassa_heap_committed Java Heap committed gauge Bytes
cassa_heap_max Java Heap Max gauge Bytes
cassa_heap_used Java Heap Used gauge Bytes
cassa_keycachehits Cassandra Key cache hits rate OPS
cassa_keycacherequests Cassandra Key cache requests rate OPS
cassa_mutationstage Cassandra mutations requests rate OPS
cassa_native_transport_requests Cassandra native transport (CQL) requests rate OPS
cassa_nonheap_committed Java non Heap committed gauge Bytes
cassa_nonheap_max Java non Heap Max gauge Bytes
cassa_nonheap_used Java non Heap Used gauge Bytes
cassa_{parnew or g1_young}_collection_count ParNew or G1 young generations GC count counter None
cassa_{parnew or g1_young}_collection_time ParNew or G1 young generations GC time rate Milliseconds
cassa_{parnew or g1_young}_lastgcinfo ParNew or G1 young generations GC lastgcinfo gauge Milliseconds
cassa_peakthreadcount Peak amount of running daemon threads gauge None
cassa_pending_compactions Cassandra pending compactions gauge None
cassa_readstage Cassandra queries at read stage rate OPS
cassa_requestresponsestage Cassandra requests and request/response stage rate OPS
cassa_threadcount Running non daemon threads count gauge None
cassa_totalstartedthreadcount Total started threads count counter None

For newer versions of Cassandra

Name Description Type Unit
cassa_{cms or g1_old}_collection_count CMS or G1 old generations GC count counter None
cassa_{cms or g1_old}_collection_time CMS or G1 old generations GC time rate Milliseconds
cassa_{cms or g1_old}_lastgcinfo CMS or G1 old generations last GC info gauge Milliseconds
cassa_compaction_pending Cassandra pending compactions gauge None
cassa_cql_preparedstatementsexecuted Cassandra prepared CQL statements execution rate OPS
cassa_cql_regularstatementsexecuted Cassandra regular CQL statements execution rate OPS
cassa_daemonthreadcount Running Java daemon threads count gauge None
cassa_heap_committed Java Heap Used gauge Bytes
cassa_heap_max Java Heap Max gauge Bytes
cassa_heap_used Java Heap Used gauge Bytes
cassa_hits_keycache Cassandra Key cache hits rate OPS
cassa_hits_rowcache Cassandra Row cache hits rate OPS
cassa_nonheap_committed Java non Heap Committed gauge Bytes
cassa_nonheap_max Java non Heap Max gauge Bytes
cassa_nonheap_used Java non Heap Used gauge Bytes
cassa_{parnew or g1_young}_collection_count Parnew or G1 young generations GC count counter None
cassa_{parnew or g1_young}_collection_time Parnew or G1 young generations GC time rate Milliseconds
cassa_{parnew or g1_young}_lastgcinfo Parnew or G1 young generations Last GC info gauge Milliseconds
cassa_peakthreadcount Cassandra Peak threads count gauge None
cassa_requests_keycache Cassandra Key cashe requests rate OPS
cassa_requests_rowcache Cassandra Row cashe requests rate OPS
cassa_threadcount Running non daemon threads count gauge None
cassa_totalstartedthreadcount Total started threads count counter None
cassa_latency_casread Latency of CASRead Statements gauge Microseconds
cassa_latency_caswrite Latency of CASWrite Statements gauge Microseconds
cassa_latency_rangeslice Latency of RangeSlice Statements gauge Microseconds
cassa_latency_read Latency of Read Statements gauge Microseconds
cassa_latency_viewwrite Latency of ViewWrite Statements gauge Microseconds
cassa_latency_write Latency of Write Statements gauge Microseconds