

cd ${OE_AGENT_HOME}/checks_enabled
ln -s ../checks_available/check_couchbase_{VERSION}.py ./


Edit ${OE_AGENT_HOME}/conf/bigdata.ini and change auth parameters and ip address of Couchbase servers to values matching your actual node running node parameters. Also its required to write comma separated list of buckets which you want to monitor, so please make sure to change buckets: to names of buckets which you want to monitor.

buckets : default

buckets : beer-sample, gamesim-sample, travel-sample
user: admin
pass: adminadmin
auth: True


${OE_AGENT_HOME}/ restart


Name Description Type Unit
couchbase_clusterwide_itemcount Per bucket clusterwide items count gauge None
couchbase_clusterwide_memused Per bucket used memory fo entire cluster gauge None
couchbase_clusterwide_opspersec OPeration per second executed on entire cluster rate OPS
couchbase_clusterwide_quotapercentused Per bucker quota usage for entire cluster gauge Percent
couchbase_cmd_get Per buicket GETs executen on current node rate OPS
couchbase_couch_docs_data_size Size of couch documents associated with a node gauge Bytes
couchbase_curr_items Amount of items on current node gauge None
couchbase_curr_items_tot Write bytes per second for entire cluster gauge None
couchbase_ep_bg_fetched Number of disk fetches performed on node counter None
couchbase_get_hits Get hits performent on current node rate OPS
couchbase_mem_used Current node's used memory gauge Bytes
couchbase_ops Operations per second performed against entire cluster gauge OPS
couchbase_vb_replica_curr_items Number of replicated items/documents curent None



cd ${OE_AGENT_HOME}/checks_enabled
ln -s ../checks_available/check_couchdb_{VERSION}.py ./


Edit ${OE_AGENT_HOME}/conf/bigdata.ini and change auth parameters and ip address of CouchDB servers to values matching your actual node running node parameters. For CouchDB 2x check you can set parameter detailed to True/False. When detailed is set to True agent will send metrics about HTTP status and response codes and, which will significantly increase number of metrics.


user: admin
pass: admin
auth: True
detailed = True


${OE_AGENT_HOME}/ restart


Name Description Type Unit
couchdb_bulk_requests Bulk requests per second on current node rate OPS
couchdb_database_reads Database reads per second on current node rate OPS
couchdb_database_writes Database writes per second on current node rate OPS
couchdb_document_inserts Inserted documents per second on current node rate OPS
couchdb_document_writes Written documents per second on current node rate OPS
couchdb_requests Total maount of requests per second on current node rate OPS
couchdb_requests_methods Amount of http requests on curent node by HTTP methods rate OPS
couchdb_status_codes Amount of http requests on curent node by HTTP status codes rate OPS
couchdb_temporary_view_reads Temperory view reads on current node per second rate OPS
couchdb_view_reads View reads on current node per second rate OPS