Custom Checks

Create file in checks_enabled directory with name, inside script you should have class Check which is inherited from lib.basecheck.CheckBase and function precheck(self) which will override precheck() in main class. (Here you actual check should live). Your check should contain some minimal imports in order to talk to main program: Example below is simple check which gets system's Load Average and sends it to OddEye

import lib.getconfig
import lib.pushdata
import lib.basecheck
import lib.puylogger

check_type = 'system'
reaction = -3

class Check(lib.basecheck.CheckBase):

    def precheck(self):
            loadavg = open("/proc/loadavg", "r")
            proc_loadavg = loadavg.readline().split()
            self.local_vars.append({'name': 'sys_load_1', 'timestamp': self.timestamp, 'value': proc_loadavg[0]})
            self.local_vars.append({'name': 'sys_load_5', 'timestamp': self.timestamp, 'value': proc_loadavg[1]})
            self.local_vars.append({'name': 'sys_load_15', 'timestamp': self.timestamp, 'value': proc_loadavg[2]})
        except Exception as e:
            lib.pushdata.print_error(__name__ , (e))

This will import libs to generate data for back-end needed, so you do not have to deal with generating and pushing it manually.

Create scripts which calculates value rates :

import lib.getconfig
import lib.pushdata
import lib.basecheck
import lib.puylogger

check_type = 'system'
reaction = -3

class Check(lib.basecheck.CheckBase):

    def precheck(self):
        local_vars = []
        timestamp = int("%s"))
        name1 = 'SomeName'
        name2 = 'OtherName'
        value1 = 10
        value2 = 20
        value_rate1 = self.rate.record_value_rate(name1, value1, self.timestamp)
        value_rate2 = self.rate.record_value_rate(name2, value2, self.timestamp)
        self.local_vars.append({'name': name1, 'timestamp': self.timestamp, 'value': value_rate1})
        self.local_vars.append({'name': name2, 'timestamp': self.timestamp, 'value': value_rate2})

Custom Script

To run custom script like Bash, Perl etc.. Create scripts in format check_name.extension in folder scripts_enabled. All is needed from custom is to system out values in right order, Below is sample Bash script, which generates random number and send to collector for graphing: Make sure to have check_style parameter (stack/rate). This is for telling main program if it should calculate value rates or just push data as it comes.




    echo $mytype $myvalue $check_type $check_style
    echo -n $mytype2 $myvalue2 $check_type2 $check_style2

OddEye Specific

As OddEye is completely push based and our servers does not have any direct access to your infrastructure, we need special check which will determine if particular host is alive or not. Thus we made small module, which will call our servers and get and send response times to OddEye. We will generate host alive parameter based based on information sent by If you want to have host aliveness test, enable as you will do with any other python check and restart Agent:

cd ${agent_home}/checks enabled
ln -s ../checks-available/ ./ 

OddEye is dynamic system based on machine learning, but if you want to have statically defined alerts you can use send_special method in your python module. Example below demonstrates how custom alerts can be configured, its taken from check_network_bytes module:

import glob
import lib.getconfig
import lib.pushdata
import lib.record_rate
import lib.puylogger
import lib.basecheck

check_type = 'system'
check_localhost = lib.getconfig.getparam('Network Stats', 'localhost')
rated = lib.getconfig.getparam('Network Stats', 'rated')

class Check(lib.basecheck.CheckBase):

    def precheck(self):
            ifaces = glob.glob("/sys/class/net/*")
            iflist = []
            for index in range(0, len(ifaces)):
                if check_localhost is False:
                    iface = ifaces[index].split('/')[4]
                    if "/lo" not in ifaces[index]:
                    iface = ifaces[index].split('/')[4]

            for nic in iflist:
                rxb = open("/sys/class/net/" + nic + "/statistics/rx_bytes", "r")
                txb = open("/sys/class/net/" + nic + "/statistics/tx_bytes", "r")
                rx = int(
                tx = int(

                if rx is not 0 or tx is not 0:
                    txname = 'bytes_tx'
                    rxname = 'bytes_rx'
                    if rated is True:
                        rxrate = self.rate.record_value_rate(rxname + nic, rx, self.timestamp)
                        txrate = self.rate.record_value_rate(txname + nic, tx, self.timestamp)
                        self.local_vars.append({'name':rxname, 'timestamp': self.timestamp, 'value':rxrate, 'chart_type': 'Rate', 'check_type': check_type, 'reaction': 0, 'extra_tag':{'device': nic}})
                        self.local_vars.append({'name':txname, 'timestamp': self.timestamp, 'value':txrate, 'chart_type': 'Rate', 'check_type': check_type, 'reaction': 0, 'extra_tag':{'device': nic}})
                        self.local_vars.append({'name':rxname, 'timestamp': self.timestamp, 'value':rxrate, 'chart_type': 'Counter', 'check_type': check_type, 'reaction': 0, 'extra_tag':{'device': nic}})
                        self.local_vars.append({'name':txname, 'timestamp': self.timestamp, 'value':txrate, 'chart_type': 'Counter', 'check_type': check_type, 'reaction': 0, 'extra_tag':{'device': nic}})

        except Exception as e:
            lib.pushdata.print_error(__name__ , (e))

You can disable or change dynamic alerting for particular checks, by passing reaction parameter to jsondata.gen_data . Arguments for reaction parameter are followings:

reaction = -3 # (Disables dynamic alerting and learning on this check)
reaction = -1 # (Disables dynamic alerting if values are smaller than expected)
reaction = -2 # (Disables dynamic alerting if values are bigger than expected)
reaction = 0  # (Default : Enable dynamic alerting and learning on this check)
jsondata.gen_data(txname, timestamp, value, lib.pushdata.hostname, check_type, cluster_name, reaction)

We have created another OddEye specific optional parameter. This is to tell back-end type of incoming messages. It accepts "Rate" and "Counter" arguments.

Rate: is used to tell OddEye that incoming metrics are rated so back-end knows better how to calculate dynamic rules.

Counter: Is set when we have increasing counter for metrics values.

This is needed to do better calculation of regression, and to reset it when next value is smaller than previous. If you find this not suitable for your needs, do not set parameter even when your metrics values are increasing counter, but keep in mind to manually drop regression when you counter resets. Otherwise regression counter will think that something happens as new values are out of expected regression scopes and will set high level of alerting to check.