
Agent supports 2 modules for ElasticSearch monitoring:


For Clusters of ElasticSearch 1.xx version use check_elasticsearch1x.py (deprecated). ElasticSearch 2.xx and higher : check_elasticsearch.py module.

You cannot use both modules on the same machine at the same time.
In order to enable ElasticSearch, copy or symlink checks_available to checks_enabled and restart Agent

ElasticSearch v1 and v2+ have different monitoring API's and thus links for getting statistics are different. Both checks will be obvious at {AGENT_HOME}/config/bigdata.ini for configuration options.


cd ${OE_AGENT_HOME}/checks_enabled
ln -s ../checks_available/check_elasticsearch.py ./
stats: /_nodes/_local/stats
${OE_AGENT_HOME}/oddeye.sh restart
Name Description Type Unit
elasticsearch_fetch_time rated time spent on fetching rate Milliseconds
elasticsearch_fetch_total Total time spent on fetching gauge Milliseconds
elasticsearch_gc_old_count Old generation garbage collections count rate None
elasticsearch_gc_old_time_ms Old generation garbage collections time gauge Milliseconds
elasticsearch_gc_young_count Young generation garbage collections count rate None
elasticsearch_gc_young_time_ms Young generation garbage collections time gauge Milliseconds
elasticsearch_get_time rated time spent on getting rate Milliseconds
elasticsearch_get_total rated time spent on getting gauge Milliseconds
elasticsearch_heap_commited ElasticSearch JVM heap committed gauge Bytes
elasticsearch_heap_used ElasticSearch JVM heap used gauge Bytes
elasticsearch_http_connections Current HTTP connections count gauge None
elasticsearch_index_time rated time spent on indexing rate Milliseconds
elasticsearch_index_total Total time spent on indexing gauge Milliseconds
elasticsearch_merge_docs Amount of merged docs per second gauge None
elasticsearch_merge_size Size of merged docs per second rate Bytes
elasticsearch_merge_time Time spent on merging rate Milliseconds
elasticsearch_non_heap_commited ElasticSearch non JVM heap committed gauge Bytes
elasticsearch_non_heap_used ElasticSearch non JVM heap used gauge Bytes
elasticsearch_open_files ElasticSearch daemon open files descriptors count gauge None
elasticsearch_query_cache_evictions Query cache evictions count per second gauge None
elasticsearch_query_cache_hit Query cache hits count per second gauge None
elasticsearch_query_query_cache_mis Query cache miss count per second gauge None
elasticsearch_refresh_time rated time spent on refreshing rate Bytes
elasticsearch_refresh_total Total time spent on refreshing rate Milliseconds
elasticsearch_search_search_time rated time spent on searching rate Bytes
elasticsearch_search_total Total time spent on searching rate Milliseconds
elasticsearch_cluster_docs Total Amount of docs in cluster gauge None
elasticsearch_cluster_ingest_rate rate of inserting documents rate OPS
elasticsearch_cluster_shards Total Amount of shards in cluster gauge None
elasticsearch_cluster_storage_usage Cluster wide storage usage gauge Bytes

ElasticSearch 1.x

cd ${OE_AGENT_HOME}/checks_enabled
ln -s ../checks_available/check_elasticsearch1x.py ./
stats: /_nodes/_local/stats/?all=true
${OE_AGENT_HOME}/oddeye.sh restart
Name Description Type Unit
elasticsearch_fetch_time rated time spent on fetching rate Milliseconds
elasticsearch_fetch_total Total time spent on fetching gauge Milliseconds
elasticsearch_filter_cache_evictions Evictions per second from filter cache rate None
elasticsearch_gc_old_count Old generation garbage collections count gauge None
elasticsearch_gc_old_time_ms Time spent on Old generation garbage collections since last check gauge Milliseconds
elasticsearch_gc_young_count Young generation garbage collections count gauge None
elasticsearch_gc_young_time_ms Time spent on Young generation garbage collections since last check gauge Milliseconds
elasticsearch_get_time rated time spent on getting rate Milliseconds
elasticsearch_get_total Total time spent on getting gauge Milliseconds
elasticsearch_heap_committed ElasticSearch JVM heap committed gauge Bytes
elasticsearch_heap_used ElasticSearch JVM heap used gauge Bytes
elasticsearch_http_connections Current HTTP connections count gauge None
elasticsearch_index_time rated time spent on indexing rate Milliseconds
elasticsearch_index_total Total time spent on indexing gauge Milliseconds
elasticsearch_merge_docs Amount of merged docs per second rate None
elasticsearch_merge_size Size of merged docs per second rate Bytes
elasticsearch_merge_time Time spent on merging rate Milliseconds
elasticsearch_non_heap_committed ElasticSearch non JVM heap committed gauge Bytes
elasticsearch_non_heap_used ElasticSearch non JVM heap used gauge Bytes
elasticsearch_open_files ElasticSearch daemon open files descriptors count gauge None
elasticsearch_refresh_time rated time spent on refreshing rate Milliseconds
elasticsearch_refresh_total Total time spent on refreshing gauge Milliseconds
elasticsearch_search_search_time rated time spent on searching rate Milliseconds
elasticsearch_search_total Total time spent on searching gauge Milliseconds
elasticsearch_cluster_docs Total Amount of docs in cluster gauge None
elasticsearch_cluster_ingest_rate rate of inserting documents rate OPS
elasticsearch_cluster_shards Total Amount of shards in cluster gauge None
elasticsearch_cluster_storage_usage Cluster wide storage usage gauge Bytes