
cd ${OE_AGENT_HOME}/checks_enabled
ln -s ../checks_available/ ./

Start Traefik with following parameters

  address = ":8081"
    entryPoint = "metrics"

Edit conf/loadbalancer.ini and set Envoy URL to prometheus stats.

metrics :

Restart OddEye agent and Envoy.

Name Type Description
traefik_entrypoint_http_duration_seconds_count counter How long it took to process the request on an entrypoint, partitioned by status code, protocol, and method.
traefik_entrypoint_http_duration_seconds_sum gauge How long it took to process the request on an entrypoint, partitioned by status code, protocol, and method.
traefik_go_gc_duration_seconds_count counter A summary of the GC invocation durations.
traefik_go_gc_duration_seconds_sum gauge A summary of the GC invocation durations.
traefik_process_cpu_seconds_total counter Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.
traefik_process_max_fds gauge Maximum number of open file descriptors.
traefik_process_open_fds gauge Number of open file descriptors.
traefik_process_resident_memory_bytes gauge Resident memory size in bytes.
traefik_process_start_time_seconds gauge Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds.
traefik_process_virtual_memory_bytes gauge Virtual memory size in bytes.
traefik_process_virtual_memory_max_bytes gauge Maximum amount of virtual memory available in bytes.