Marathon master exposes metrics via HTTP/Json out of the box, so all you need is just to symlink checks_available/
to checks_enabled
and restart Agent.
cd ${OE_AGENT_HOME}/checks_enabled
ln -s ../checks_available/ ./
Configuration of Marathon check is Marathon section of conf/bigdata.ini
You need to set full URL of statistics interface of marathon which is : http://{HOST}:{PORT}/metrics
${OE_AGENT_HOME}/ restart
Name | Description | Type | Unit |
marathon_apps_active | Amount of currently active applications | gauge | None |
marathon_deployments_active | Amount of currently active deployments | gauge | None |
marathon_gc_collections | Garbage collations performed bt Marathon daemon | counter | None |
marathon_gc_duration | Time spend on GC my Marathon daemon since it's start | counter | None |
marathon_groups_active | Amount of currently active groups | gauge | None |
marathon_heap_committed | Marathon JVM heap committed | gauge | Bytes |
marathon_heap_used | Marathon JVM heap used | gauge | Bytes |
marathon_http_event_streams_active | Amount of currently active HTTP event streams | gauge | None |
marathon_http_requests_active | Amount of currently active requests | gauge | None |
marathon_instances_launch_overdue | Overdue of launch instances | gauge | None |
marathon_instances_running | Currently running instances | gauge | None |
marathon_instances_staged | Currently staged instances | gauge | None |
marathon_nonheap_committed | Marathon non JVM heap committed | gauge | Bytes |
marathon_nonheap_used | Marathon non JVM heap used | gauge | Bytes |
marathon_pods_active | Currently active pods | gauge | None |