cd ${OE_AGENT_HOME}/checks_enabled
ln -s ../checks_available/ ./

Configuration of Riak check is located at bigdata.ini. By default it will look fo Riak installation localhost. Please make sure to set correct IP address of Riak instance which you want to monitor.

Restart Agent. ./ restart check_riak module should run without making changes in configuration, but according to your specific needs, you can edit conf/bindata.ini and make changes in section Riak

Name Description Type Unit
riak_mem_allocated Amount of memory alloted for Riak instance current Bytes
riak_memory_processes Amount of memory allocated for Erlang processe current Bytes
riak_memory_processes_used Amount of memory used by Erlang processe current Bytes
riak_node_gets rate of GET commands executed on current node rate OPS
riak_node_puts rate of PUT commands executed on current node rate OPS
riak_read_repairs rate of READ commands executed on current node rate OPS
riak_sys_process_count Riak system prcesses count current None
riak_vnode_gets rate of GET commands executed on current v node rate OPS
riak_vnode_puts rate of PUT commands executed on current v node rate OPS
riak_vnode_set_update rate of UPDATES commands executed on current node rate OPS